Tigerfeeling : the perfect pelvic floor training for men and women

Cantieni, Benita, 2013
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ISBN 9783641107819
Verfasser Cantieni, Benita Wikipedia
Schlagworte Übungssammlung, Wirbelsäulengymnastik, Rückenschmerz
Verlag südwest
Jahr 2013
Umfang 114 S. zahlr. Ill.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Annotation Tigerfeeling® - The Perfect Pelvic Floor Training for Men and Women -, awakens the power that comes from your centre. The exercises are gentle and safe. They're also fun to do and easy to fit into your daily routine, and the success is immediate: after just one session, you will experience a noticeable - and visible - effect. After only three weeks, you will see measurable changes. Discover and awaken the power of your pelvic floor - for more elasticity, suppleness, vitality and sexual enjoyment! Say goodbye to a weak bladder, incontinence, orgasm problems, back complaints etc. Tigerfeeling gives men and women natural power and grace to last a lifetime.